It is often fine to use the default device as we did previously in this tutorial, but there are times when you'll want to explicitly choose the device from a list of available devices on the system. To see a working example of this, check out pa_devs.c in the tests/ directory of the PortAudio source code. To do so, you'll need to first initialize PortAudio and Query for the number of Devices:
If you want to get information about each device, simply loop through as follows:
The Pa_DeviceInfo structure contains a wealth of information such as the name of the devices, the default latency associated with the devices and more. The structure has the following fields:
You may notice that you can't determine, from this information alone, whether or not a particular sample rate is supported. This is because some devices support ranges of sample rates, others support, a list of sample rates, and still others support some sample rates and number of channels combinations but not others. To get around this, PortAudio offers a function for testing a particular device with a given format:
Filling in the inputParameters and outputParameters fields is shown in a moment.
Once you've found a configuration you like, or one you'd like to go ahead and try, you can open the stream by filling in the PaStreamParameters structures, and calling Pa_OpenStream:
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