file | pa_minlat.c |
| Experiment with different numbers of buffers to determine the minimum latency for a computer.
file | patest1.c |
| Ring modulate the audio input with a sine wave for 20 seconds.
file | patest_buffer.c |
| Test opening streams with different buffer sizes.
file | patest_callbackstop.c |
| Test the paComplete callback result code.
file | patest_clip.c |
| Play a sine wave for several seconds at an amplitude that would require clipping.
file | patest_converters.c |
| Tests the converter functions in pa_converters.c.
file | patest_dither.c |
| Attempt to hear difference between dithered and non-dithered signal.
file | patest_hang.c |
| Play a sine then hang audio callback to test watchdog.
file | patest_in_overflow.c |
| Count input overflows (using paInputOverflow flag) under overloaded and normal conditions. This test uses the same method to overload the stream as does patest_out_underflow.c – it generates sine waves until the cpu load exceeds a certain level. However this test is only concerned with input and so doesn't ouput any sound.
file | patest_latency.c |
| Hear the latency caused by big buffers. Play a sine wave and change frequency based on letter input.
file | patest_leftright.c |
| Play different tone sine waves that alternate between left and right channel.
file | patest_longsine.c |
| Play a sine wave until ENTER hit.
file | patest_many.c |
| Start and stop the PortAudio Driver multiple times.
file | patest_maxsines.c |
| How many sine waves can we calculate and play in less than 80% CPU Load.
file | patest_mono.c |
| Play a monophonic sine wave using the Portable Audio api for several seconds.
file | patest_multi_sine.c |
| Play a different sine wave on each channel.
file | patest_out_underflow.c |
| Count output underflows (using paOutputUnderflow flag) under overloaded and normal conditions.
file | patest_prime.c |
| Test stream priming mode.
file | patest_read_record.c |
| Record input into an array; Save array to a file; Playback recorded data. Implemented using the blocking API (Pa_ReadStream(), Pa_WriteStream() )
file | patest_ringmix.c |
| Ring modulate inputs to left output, mix inputs to right output.
file | patest_sine8.c |
| Test 8 bit data: play a sine wave for several seconds.
file | patest_sine_channelmaps.c |
| Plays sine waves using sme simple channel maps. Designed for use with CoreAudio, but should made to work with other APIs.
file | patest_sine_formats.c |
| Play a sine wave for several seconds. Test various data formats.
file | patest_sine_time.c |
| Play a sine wave for several seconds, pausing in the middle. Uses the Pa_GetStreamTime() call.
file | patest_start_stop.c |
| Play a sine wave for several seconds. Start and stop the stream multiple times.
file | patest_stop.c |
| Test different ways of stopping audio.
file | patest_stop_playout.c |
| Test whether all queued samples are played when Pa_StopStream() is used with a callback or read/write stream, or when the callback returns paComplete.
file | patest_suggested_vs_streaminfo_latency.c |
| Print suggested vs. PaStreamInfo reported actual latency.
file | patest_sync.c |
| Test time stamping and synchronization of audio and video.
file | patest_timing.c |
| Play a sine wave for several seconds, and spits out a ton of timing info while it's at it. Based on patest_sine.c.
file | patest_toomanysines.c |
| Play more sine waves than we can handle in real time as a stress test.
file | patest_two_rates.c |
| Play two streams at different rates to make sure they don't interfere.
file | patest_underflow.c |
| Simulate an output buffer underflow condition. Tests whether the stream can be stopped when underflowing buffers.
file | patest_unplug.c |
| Debug a crash involving unplugging a USB device.
file | patest_wire.c |
| Pass input directly to output.