Extra PortAudio Documentation
Copyright 2000-2007 Phil Burk and Ross Bencina
See also the primary PortAudio Documentation here.
V19 - current API
Proposed V19 Changes
Describes API changes being considered by the developer community. Feedback welcome.
Paper presented at ACMC2003, Ross Bencina
"PortAudio and Media Synchronisation" - Discusses how the V19 API relates to various synchronisation tasks including MIDI controlled playback, GUI/Audio sync and MIDI sync. http://www.portaudio.com/docs/portaudio_sync_acmc2003.pdf (PDF)
Programmer's Guides
V18 - previous API
API Reference for V18
The Application Programmer Interface is documented in "portaudio.h".
Paper Presented at ICMC2001, Bencina and Burk, (PDF)
Describes the PortAudio API and discusses implementation issues. Written July 2001.
Improving Latency
How to tune your computer to achieve the lowest possible audio delay.